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No. 37 (2025): Medievalista 37 - Dossier: "What survives after death? Parish Communities and Death Commemoration Strategies in the Medieval City – In memoriam Clive Burgess"
					View No. 37 (2025): Medievalista 37 - Dossier: "What survives after death? Parish Communities and Death Commemoration Strategies in the Medieval City – In memoriam Clive Burgess"

Faz parte da condição humana a consciência do paradoxo fundamental da vida, marcada pela fragilidade e pela finitude, mas também por uma força imparável de renovação e de superação, de desejo de ultrapassar a voragem do tempo e evitar o esquecimento. Recordar, fazer memória, celebrar e ter memória em conjunto, foram, desde sempre, formas não apenas de resgatar as vozes e os feitos do passado, mas também de os fazer actuais, tornando-os de novo significativos, eficazes. Por isso os documentos fizeram-se monumentos, determinados sítios tornaram-se lugares de memória, as datas, os sítios e os eventos foram rememorados por gestos e ritos socialmente significativos, capazes de os tornarem actuais, em toda a sua força simbólica. O modo como se recorda, e, sobretudo, como as sociedades recordam, combina a capacidade de guardar e transmitir a memória, de a evocar e comemorar, ou de a fixar em ritos, lugares ou narrativas.

Published: 2025-01-01

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Scope and Objectives

Medievalista is a journal of medieval studies founded in 2005 by Professor Luís Krus and, since then, it has been published online by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM). As stated by its name, the journal has a wide scope and aims to reach all researchers and also those simply interested in medieval studies, publishing texts both in neo-latin languages (Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian) or in Germanic ones (English and German).It publishes, in open access, two issues per year and accepts original works from all disciplinary areas, in the form of articles, reviews, historiographical balance sheets, news and overviews of recent academic researches, as long as they refer to medieval times. It is focused on innovative and multidisciplinary approaches, capable of crossing different realities and perspectives. Articles are submitted to peer review, seeking to merge the analysis' accuracy to the most comprehensive and stimulating views. Medievalista aims at creating an international forum for sharing and debating ideas, open to all, from renowned authors to young researchers.

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Medievalista uses the OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) protocol, which allows for interoperability between different platforms and repositories through the exchange of metadata.
