No. 29 (2021): Medievalista - "The Medieval Bestiary" Monograph

					View No. 29 (2021): Medievalista - "The Medieval Bestiary" Monograph

This issue opens with a note of regret, as Peter Linehan passed away on July 9, 2020. The body of this issue is formed by a monograph on the Medieval Bestiary, coordinated by Adelaide Miranda and Pedro Chambel. Some of the texts are written by renowned authors, but many others belong to younger researchers, from different countries and other historiographies. The fixed sections of the review share the same diversity of origins, themes and perspectives. Through them, we try to set forth the resilience and creativity of the medieval studies in pandemic times, as well as the possibility of converting the current difficulties into an opportunity for greater sharing and debate.

Complete issue [PDF]


Published: 2021-01-01

