No. 25 (2019): Medievalista

					View No. 25 (2019): Medievalista

This issue features an important Highlight: the study on "The kitchen and the table in medieval Loulé through its common utensils: the testimony of the orphanological inventories" by Iria Gonçalves. The section Articles includes contributions by William Trouvé on "The route of a list. From Visigothic Hispania to Beneventan Italy, from Liber Iudiciorum to Pseudo Isidore", by Ana Luísa Sonsino on "The readers of Espelho de Cristina: a clip of the courts", by Lídia Amor on "Delectare ed prodesse: adventures, pleasures, and didacticism in the Conte du Papegau", and by Mário Farelo on "Roland Scriptoris or of Lisbon: a Portuguese 15th Century Physician, Professor, and Clergyman". The remaining sections include equally varied topics.


Published: 2019-01-01
