Direct realism in Tomás de Aquino's theory of intellectual cognition: analysis and objections


  • Gilson Damasceno Linhares Bolsista da FAPESB (Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa da Bahia) 42738845 Lauro de Freitas, Bahia, Brasil,



Thomas Aquinas, Concept; Object; Identity; Intellect; Thing


This text aims at an introductory presentation of the interpretative hypothesis of direct realism, with regard to the relationship between the concept and the object, in Thomasian gnosiology. Direct realism raises the hypothesis that there is a formal identity relationship between the species intelligibilis / concept and the external thing. Due to this thesis of formal identity, we must deny that such entities are intermediaries between the intellect and the thing. Therefore, the denial of an intermediate mental entity would exclude a representationalist interpretation. After analyzing the main theses of direct realism, we intend to propose some objections to these. We will object to the central thesis of formal identity and its basis, namely, the common form.




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How to Cite

Damasceno Linhares, G. (2020). Direct realism in Tomás de Aquino’s theory of intellectual cognition: analysis and objections. Medievalista, 1(28), 311–334.


