No. 23 (2018): Medievalista - "Debuerit habere regnum. Legitimacy in Medieval Monarchies" Thematic Dossier

					View No. 23 (2018): Medievalista - "Debuerit habere regnum. Legitimacy in Medieval Monarchies" Thematic Dossier

This issue of Medievalista is a special edition. It does not break the absolute regularity of the journal’s publication, nor does it change the format to which authors and readers are accustomed. Faithful to our requirements in this field, the issue comes out on schedule, at the beginning of the semester to which it refers. It is special because, although discussed and thought of several times, never before had it been possible to prepare and to offer a real thematic dossier. Thanks to the work and collaboration of the organisers of the conference "Debuerit habere regnum. Depor e proclamar reis na Idade Média", which took place at the Faculdade de Letras de Lisboa from October 12th to 14th, 2016, and the availability of a wide range of authors, several of the papers presented there are published here, after having been submitted to the peer-review process.


Published: 2018-01-01

