No. 17 (2015): Medievalista

					View No. 17 (2015): Medievalista

This year marks a decade since Medievalista was first published. A biannual journal since 2008, it has since then maintained a regularity that is unusual in the panorama of national scientific publications. Without triumphalism, but also without false modesty, we believe it is adequate to celebrate these ten years. This issue also marks the beginning of a couple of initiatives with that purpose. The Highlight, written by Maria Adelaide Miranda and Pedro Chambel, evokes the launching of the magazine under the initiative and enthusiasm of its founder and first director, Luís Krus. No one better than them, the two senior members of the Editorial Board, to recall the context, the limits, and the ambition that surrounded the creation of Medievalista, as well as how far it has come.


Published: 2015-01-01

