Rules for Presentation of Texts

  • All texts must be submitted in an editable digital format in font Cambria, size 12, justified text with a line spacing of 1.5.
  • The text may be divided into paragraphs, with or without subtitles, but without words in capitals, automatic bulleting, or any other type of additional formatting.
  • The use of capital letters should be restricted to such as is in conformity with normal usage in the language in which the text is written.
  • Comments on the text, additional information and bibliographical references should be presented in footnotes using Arabic numbering continuously throughout the article, and not in endnotes (or in any other system of inscription). Footnotes should accompany all texts, providing the reader with critical support for the statements made, including book reviews and also the texts published in other sections of Medievalista.
  • A full bibliography listing all titles referenced, ordered alphabetically by surname (surname in capitals) is mandatory for all texts. When a second title of the same author is presented, the name should not be replaced by any graphical sign, it should be fully repeated, and its titles should be ordered chronologically. All Primary Sources shall be individually identified, distinguishing manuscripts from published material, under the heading “Primary Sources”. All other material consulted should be listed under the heading “Studies”.
  • Medievalista accepts articles and other texts in Portuguese, English, French, Spanish, Italian, and German. Articles should not exceed 50.000 characters with spaces, and all the other texts 25.000 characters. In both cases, this limit does not include bibliography, images and tables.
  • All texts must include date of submission to Medievalista, and clear identification of author(s), ORCID, institutional affiliation (university, faculty and department / research unit, postcode, city and country) and a professional e-mail.
  • Articles should include an abstract, maximum 200 words, and 5 keywords, both in the original language of the article and in English.
  • All texts must present the title in English translation. If the original language is English, the title, abstract and keywords should be provided also in Portuguese translation.
  • Articles should be sent in the article’s submission template. The remaining texts should follow the other texts template. Both templates are available on the Medievalista

Texts not in compliance with the editorial standards will not be published and will be referred back to the author(s).



  • Quotations, however short, either in the main text or in the footnotes should be indicated by double quotation marks (“...”) regardless of the language of the quotation and without italicisation, underlining or bold type.
  • Quotations exceeding 3 lines in length in the main text should be separated by a paragraph with a 1cm indentation from each margin.
  • Any changes made to a quotation (such as interpolations, ellipses and additions) should be duly indicated in square brackets; e.g.: “The king [D. Dinis] spoke, being joyful at such news [...] and from there he departed for Lisbon.”


Use of Italics:

  • Italics should be used to indicate foreign terms or phrases (such as Latinisms) and should not appear in bold-type or underlined.
  • Italics should be used for titles of books, films, newspapers, magazines etc., but not for articles in journals, parts of a book, book chapters, songs, poems or other items, which should be presented in quotation marks and in accordance with the appearance of the same in the Bibliography.


Numerical References:

  • Extensions should be avoided, e.g.: 50% and not 50 per cent.
  • Decades and years should be written in numerical form, e.g.: 1250 and not one thousand two hundred and fifty; the 1980s and not the 80s, or eighties.
  • Century must be written without abbreviation, and in association with the Arabic numeration, e.g.: 13th century and not XIIIth cent., or thirteenth century.
  • Intervals of time or pages should be given in full without contraction, e.g.: 1383-1385 and not 1383-85; pp. 125-127 and not pp. 125-7.



  • Images should be sent in an autonomous file with proper identification. Only JPG and RGB formats are accepted. Images must be 1000 pixels in width and height.
  • Images accompanying the article should be inserted after the paragraph in which they are mentioned [indicated with: (fig. x)].
  • The maximum number of images per article is 10.
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  • Captions and titles should be sent in an autonomous file. Captions should include the figure number, artist, title (in italics), date, media and dimensions. Following should appear the name of the collection, location of institution/repository, and other relevant information such as the inventory or catalogue number. The copyright information must be included in brackets, e.g.: Fig. 1 Gregorio Lopes, Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, 1536-1539, oil on wood, 119 x 244 cm. Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga (permission for reproduction obtained by the author, dd/mm/yyyy).



  • References to footnotes should be placed before punctuation marks (commas, full- stops, etc.), but after quotation marks or brackets.
  • Bibliographical citations should be provided in full in the first instance. Thereafter citations must include the author's name, followed by the abbreviated title and the relevant pages, e.g.: GONÇALVES, Iria – O Património do Mosteiro de Alcobaça, pp. 130-135.
  • Do not use idem or eadem for author’s names and cit. or ibidem for works.
  • Avoid all use of graphic signals and footnote references in tables or image captions.



B.C. – before Christ
c. – circa
ch. / chs – chapter / chapters
Cod. – codex
col. / cols – column / columns
doc. / docs – document / documents
A.D. – after Christ
ed. / eds – edition; editor / editions; editors
fig. / figs – figure / figures
fol. / fols – folio / folios
Lv. – “livro” (book)
Mç. – “maço” (bundle)
Ms. / Mss – manuscript / manuscripts
nr / nrs – number / numbers
p. / pp. – page / pages
s.a. – bibliographical reference without author
s.d. – bibliographical reference without author publication date
s.l. – bibliographical reference without author publication local
s.n.t. – bibliographical reference without any topographical dates
t. – tome
trans. – translation
v. / vv – verse / verses (Poetry)
vol. / vols – volume / volumes


Bibliographical References

The bibliographic reference standards adopted by Medievalist are based on the international standard ISO 690 and on the Portuguese Standard 405:

1. Primary Sources (arranged in alphabetical order)

1.1. Manuscripts

Amiens, Bibliothéque Municipale, Ms. 223.

Lisboa, Torre do Tombo, OFM, Província de Portugal, Convento de Santa Clara de

Coimbra, Mç. 2, doc. 14.


1.2. Printed Sources

Known author:

ZURARA, Gomes Eanes de – Crónica da Tomada de Ceuta por el Rei D. João I composta por Gomes Eanes de Zurara. Ed. Francisco Maria Esteves Pereira. Lisboa: Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 1915.

BEDA – De arte metrica. Ed. C. W. Jones. Corpus Christianorum. Series Latina (CCSL) 123A. Turnhout: Brepols, 1975.


No known author:

Crónica de Portugal de 1419. Ed. Adelino de Almeida Calado. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, 1998.


2. Studies (arranged in alphabetical order; when there is more than one title of the same author, the titles must be arranged in chronological order)

 2.1 Books with one author / editor

DIJK, Teun A. van – Texto y contexto: semántica y pragmática del discurso. 2nd ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1984.

SILVA, A. Vieira da – As muralhas da Ribeira de Lisboa. 3rd ed., vol. I-II. Lisboa: Câmara Municipal, 1987.


2.2 Books with two or three authors / editors

ALMEIDA, Carlos Alberto Ferreira de; BARROCA, Mário Jorge – História da Arte em Portugal. O Gótico. Lisboa: Presença, 2002.


2.3 Books with four or more authors / editors

BEARMAN, J. P., et alii (Ed.) – Encyclopédie de l'Islam. 2 ed., t. 6. Leiden: Brill, 1991.


2.4 Articles and chapters in books

BARROCA, Mário Jorge – “Jacente de D. Rodrigo Sanches”. In BARROCA, Mário Jorge; MONTEIRO, João Gouveia (Eds.) – Pera Guerrejar. Armamento Medieval no Espaço Português. Palmela: Câmara Municipal, 2000, p. 83.

MATTOSO, José – “O imaginário marítimo medieval”. In Naquele Tempo. Ensaios de História Medieval. Lisboa: Temas e Debates / Círculo de Leitores, 2009, pp. 223- 236.


2.5 Sections of books or volumes

ROSA, Maria de Lurdes – “A religião no século: vivências e devoções dos leigos”. In AZEVEDO, Carlos A. Moreira (Dir.) – História Religiosa e Portugal. Vol. I. Formação e Limites da Cristandade. Coord. Ana Maria C. M. Jorge e Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues. Rio de Mouro: Círculo de Leitores, 2000, pp. 423-510.


2.6 Journal articles

RUCQUOI, Adeline – “Le diable et les Manrique”. Razo 8 (1988), pp. 103-111.


2.7 Online articles and other digital materials

JORGE, Susana Oliveira, et al. – “Gravuras rupestres de Mazouco”. Arqueologia [Online] 3 (1981), pp. 3-12 [Accessed 6 July 1996]. Available at


2.8 Proceedings

MIRANDA, José Carlos; LARANJINHA, Ana Sofia (Eds.) – Modelo. Actas do V Colóquio da Secção Portuguesa da Associação Hispânica de Literatura Medieval. Porto: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2005.


2.9 Reference works

Dictionnaire des orientalistes de langue française. Dir. François Pouillon. Paris: IISMM-Karthala, 2008.


2.10 Thesis, dissertations and other academic produce

COSTA, Adelaide Pereira Millán da – Projecção Espacial de Domínios. Das Relações de Poder ao Burgo Portuense (1385-1502). Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 1999. PhD Thesis.


2.11 Digital documents: books (E-books), databases and resources:
OOLSON, Nancy B., et al. – Cataloging Internet resources [Online]. 2nd ed. Dublin:  OCLC, 1997, last edited 22 June 1999. [Accessed 24 March 2001]. Available at


2.12 Full documents of digital periodicals

Sociological Research Online [Online]. Manchester: SRO, 1996. [Accessed 19 March 1997]. Biannual. Filed since 1996. Available at


2.13 Newspaper articles

Author attributed

GEADA, Eduardo – “A páginas tantas: espaço aberto da filosofia e do saber: a modernidade e a biblioteca”. A Capital (19 November 1987), p. 9.


Author not attributed

“100 Empresas inscritas na gestão 88”. Expresso 2: Econ. Desporto (30 January 1988), 2E.


2.14 Audio and video documents

PINHEIRO, Paula Moura – “Bossa Nova”. Câmara Clara, RTP2, 25 May 2008.