Diplomacy over time: the role of the Aragonese Crown Princes in the Anglo-Aragonese marriage negotiations from 1273 to 1291


  • Zoe Plaza Leroux Sorbonne Université 75005 Paris, France




diplomacy, crown prince, marriage, Crown of Aragon, England


The study of matrimonial negotiations previously characterised by the perception of the Crown Princes as mere objects of negotiation in diplomatic affairs, reveals a different perspective in the light of the Anglo-Aragonese marriage project of 1268-1285. Peter of Aragon and his son Alfonso were indeed central players in these negotiations. The article explores the active role that certain royal heirs play in diplomatic affairs. This new role accompanied the establishment of the principle of succession in the Crown of Aragon in the 13th century, which transformed the figure of the crown prince into an embodiment of the future of the dynasty. His involvement in diplomatic affairs thus enables him to prepare for his future role as king, but also to consider diplomatic actions in the long term of the dynasty, beyond the mere duration of a reign.


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How to Cite

Plaza Leroux, Z. (2024). Diplomacy over time: the role of the Aragonese Crown Princes in the Anglo-Aragonese marriage negotiations from 1273 to 1291. Medievalista, (36), 147–165. https://doi.org/10.4000/medievalista.8337