O sistema das ciências num esquema do século XII no manuscrito 17 de Santa Cruz de Coimbra (Porto, BPM, Geral 21)


  • José Meirinhos Departamento de Filosofia da FLUP. Instituto de Filosofia da UP meirinhos@letras.up.pt


The ms. 17 of Santa Cruz de Coimbra (now Porto, BPM, Geral 21) includes the complete text of Isidore of Seville’s Etymologies. In the back of the initial folio of this manuscript, which was blank, someone drew the geometric diagram of the division of science (scientia) or philosophy, with several branches and sub-branches. In this study it is analysed the importance of the division of science, searching in the textual tradition and in other similar diagrams, which are the theoretical options and sources of the diagram included in Coimbra’s manuscript. The diagram reflects the state of the discussion in the late 12 th century, going against the simple model of the 7 liberal arts, and reveals the influences of the schools of Paris, especially the Victorines, and the School of Conches, with the artes mecanicae of Hugh of St. Victor and several other options that can be found in William of Conches. In the following decades, with the new peripatetic Arabic-Latin translations, the diagrams would be once again changed to include the new sciences, but some of them were already part of diagrams such as the Coimbra one, which includes the Aristotelian classification of Philosophy, also transmitted by Isidore of Seville.


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How to Cite

Meirinhos, J. (2009). O sistema das ciências num esquema do século XII no manuscrito 17 de Santa Cruz de Coimbra (Porto, BPM, Geral 21). Medievalista, 1(7). Retrieved from https://medievalista.iem.fcsh.unl.pt/index.php/medievalista/article/view/344


