A morte de Odin? As representações do Ragnarök na arte das Ilhas Britânicas (séc. X)


  • Johnni Langer NEVE, Núcleo de Estudos Vikings e Escandinavos, Universidade Federal do Maranhão johnnilanger@yahoo.com.br




Ragnarök, Norse Mythology, Anglo-Scandinavian Art, Vikings, Odin


Our study aims to reflect on the images of Ragnarök in the British area during the late Middle Ages. The main sources are images carved in crosses, funerary sculptures and reliefs in blocks. As the main methodology, we analyze the representations in comparison with the Icelandic literary sources and the images available in the Scandinavian area during the Viking Age, especially on the island of Gotland (continuities, ruptures, variations and reappropriations of Nordic visual culture). For theoretical framework, we employ the ideas of Régis Boyer, Margaret Clunie Ross, Hilda Davidson and John Mckinell, concerning the Norse myths. Jérôme Baschet and Jean-Claude Schmitt will be used as a reference for analysis of images in the Medieval Period and Herne Fuglesang for interpretation of Nordic images.



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How to Cite

Langer, J. (2012). A morte de Odin? As representações do Ragnarök na arte das Ilhas Britânicas (séc. X). Medievalista, 1(11). https://doi.org/10.4000/medievalista.812


