Erat simplicis ingenii: The deposition of Garcia of Galiza in the 12th and 13th century Iberian chronicles


  • Maria Joana Gomes Universidade do Porto, Instituto de Filosofia, Seminário Medieval de Literatura, Pensamento e Sociedade 4150-654, Porto, Portugal



Chronicon Mundi; De rebus hispaniae; Garcia of Galicia; medieval kingship; 13th century


Garcia, the youngest son of Ferdinand of Castile (1038-1065) and Sancha of León (1038-1067), was given the kingdom of Galicia by his parents, when they splited their kingdom by their sons. Five years into his reign, he was captured and imprisoned by one of his elder brothers, Alfonso, king of León, who becomes king of Galicia in its brother’s place. The former king spent the rest of his life in prison until his death in 1090. The circumstances which led to Garcia's arrest and captivity were frequently debated among the 12th medieval Iberian Latin historiographers. However, it is in the 13th century that historians elaborate more solid justifications to make sense, not only Garcia's fate but also the anoumalous power transmission that took place. This paper analyses the arguments brought up by the works of several 12th and 13th century historiographers of western Iberia – conceeding special attention to Lucas de Tuy’s Chronicon Mundi and Rodrigo de Rada’s De rebus Hispaniae – to justify the fall of Garcia of Galicia. It aims at understanding the relation between the discursive mutations of this episode and the writers’ political and ideological conceptionst.




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How to Cite

Gomes, M. J. (2018). Erat simplicis ingenii: The deposition of Garcia of Galiza in the 12th and 13th century Iberian chronicles. Medievalista, 1(23).